Sunday, December 2, 2007

12/2 Love needs no translation

We are leaving for Guangzhou in 10 days and can't wait. We bought our tickets and just finished up the little remodeling project we've had going since August. Her room is finally ready.

As we were buying an electronic translator in Chinatown on Friday, we told our saleslady that it was for an adoption. When she didn't understand the word "adoption", we typed in "adopt a girl" into the translator. When she saw the translation, a big smile came across her face and she reached across the counter and hugged us both. And in that moment, we were reminded that love is universal -- it transcends nations, languages and cultures. There at an ordinary store in our little corner of the world, we shared together the joy of knowing that a child who was once an orphan had become a daughter. We shared the joy of knowing that love needs no translation.

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