Monday, December 17, 2007

12/17 The stars are shining brightly in Guangzhou tonight

This afternoon at 4pm, I leaned against the window of our hotel room and pondered the last few hours of this day. Beside me stood a girl, staring out over Guangzhou, contemplating what had just happened. There are no words really...there just aren't. At 2:30pm we arrived at the Civil Affairs office for adoption in Guangdong province. There in that crowded room we waited and Kristy was able to peek into the adjoining room where the children were waiting to be brought out by their caregivers. We saw the familiar face of Mrs. Zhong and beside her sat quietly the very definition of preciousness. A beautiful Cantonese girl, dressed in the traditional red silk, was clinging to the bear we sent her in November. Then out she came with Mrs. Zhong and we just about came unglued. How do you express thanks to God for such a precious gift?

I wish we could explain to you what it all felt like. She is so precious. As I type this post, she is sitting in the chair with me watching me type as Kristy reads our notes. She is doing wonderful...very quiet trying to take it all in. We found out today that she has known about the adoption for some time and has always wanted to be adopted. She is very familiar with our faces from the pictures we sent.

Okay...we will have to post details later but a few pictures will have to suffice. We went out to eat for dinner and she enjoyed it. She is not talking yet but is very engaged and watching everything we do. She is mimicking Kristy's every move...washing faces, brushing teeth, etc.

For our fellow Zhuhai wouldn't believe the way they blessed us. A new set of clothes, the silk Mandarin outfit, school supplies, lots of photos and lots of other personal touches. Especially photos of her friends...

Here are a few pictures of her and we will post more tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. We have a tired little girl to get to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steven - reading your post made me relive my every moment in getting Molly - you capture emotion in words so beautifully for your readers. It also has us so jeebery and excited to be doing this again soon. We both cried at this post and we both thank you for your one-liner message to those of us waiting: 'especially of her friends ...........' Thank you for saying that - I know it's a gift you were hoping to be able to share, being the pioneer.
With love,
Hubers (who still post anonymously)