Monday, December 31, 2007

1/2 The rainbow's end

Since we last wrote, our little Dorothy clicked the heels of her red slippers and has made it home at last. Since we had trouble posting pictures in China and finding the time to share our experiences with you, we are planning to finish the blog in the next few days. We want to tell you the rest of the story and share some pictures of Jen. We hope you enjoy it....

In the past several days, I have been thinking a lot about rainbows. When I look at Jen, wonderful thoughts about rainbows come to mind. I can't help but think of Dorothy and The Wizard of Oz and her singing about that land somewhere over the rainbow. As you know, Dorothy makes it all the way to Oz only to discover that there is no place like home. It is just a children's story but the message is powerful...

In this troubled world, it is amazing to me that there can still be a "somewhere over the rainbow" kind of experience for a child. A child who longed for a different life in a different place was given that gift. Can you imagine longing to have a mother and father for 10 long years only to have it happen one day? All the care and love that the orphanage provided could never fulfill that longing. And now, in a twinkling of an eye, she has gone from orphan to daughter.

Just as with every child and in every life, there will be sunshine and rainclouds ahead. But for now we are basking in the glow of the rainbow which stood at Jen's feet and led her over to a new life and a new world with us. Adoption is the gift that says to a child, "You are a person of worth, you matter, you are loved and your life has meaning and purpose. You are dear to us."

Jen has found like so many others that be it ever so humble, there is no place like home...there is no place like home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How beautifully said! Jen, your "pot of gold" at the end of your rainbow is a Momma & Daddy who love you more than mere words can say. And a whole world of new friends who can't wait to welcome you into a larger family, one with God Himself as the Father! You are HOME at last! Love & Prayers, Mr. Dale & Miss Lynn